A list of possible eBay sellers that are selling inlegal copies. Many of them I got letters from GW legal stating that the items I bought where recast. In some cases I have high suspect. When I say 100% it means I have bought a few items and all where recast (this was verified by GW legal stating so with an email) Matter of fact if you buy an item that you suspect to be a recast contact the company that made such item. Most of the times I got a fast reply, and when applicable a letter to upload to Paypal to obtain a full refund for my item.
Russian selelr selling FW recast. 100%
Russian seller selling both FW and GW recast. 100%

eBay recaster​
Claims Malta but he is from Italy. I got 5 models from him, all sent
to GW. For all 5 models I got confirmation these were recast.
Brazilian selling both FW and GW recast. Metal recast are horrible. Sent them to GW and where found as recast. 100%
Chinese seller selling FW and poor quality metal recast. I sent some items to GW and got confirmation that they where all recast. 100%
Spanish seller selling metal mostly not GW recast. This is just an assumption, but look at his selling history. Item I bought was very suspicius.


Italian based seller, he is buying from China or Russia and selling them on eBay. I got proof item was reported to FW proved to be fake.
US seller, very suspicius. Bought a few items from him, all sort of suspicius. Selling lots and lots of very rare items and in big quantity. I am waiting on a model from him to send GW.
UK based. Sold 50 identical copies of the same Unreleased GW figure in a 3 month period. Very suspicious, but not a hard seller.


USA based sellers, I do suspect they are all related to each other. I bought a few figs from 2 of them and proved to be fakes. They have identical items for sale and always the same sets.

UK based seller, selling large units over and over. I have followed this seller for a while. Same large units of 20+ models and same rare high priced miniatures. Very suspicious. I am waiting for one of his item to send it to GW to have it verified.
Polish recaster, I personally bought from him, and got confirmation by GW that they are recast models. The models where WM Dragon Princes. Metal was dark, no white metal, quality good, but shrinkage was considerable.
US seller, mainly selling 2 GW unreleased figures. Sold several, I contacted GW and they asked me to send the models and package to them, and I got reimbursed for the expense.
Israel seller, got a few figs, they look legitimate, but high quantity of unreleased items look suspicious. Items are from Israel for real.
USA based sellers, I do suspect they are all related to each other. I bought a few figs from 2 of them and proved to be fakes. They have identical items for sale and always the same sets.
Italian seller selling mainly Warmaster recast models. Models where bought but details, metal and color don't match. Also sold with non GW bases.
French seller selling Bloodbowl recast models, this is verified as models where sent to get authnticated and response was that both where recast. Also quality is not the best

US seller, sells all sort of recast from Mordheim, to BFG. Quality is horirble.

Russian seller selling FW recast. 100%
Italian LOTR suspicious recaster. Sells the same lots over and over.
Same images all the times.